Jul 6, 2014

Pinang (Areca catechu) is a species of palm that has many uses and is naturally spread quite widely into a land. A. catechu is commonly planted and cultivated by farmers. This species can even grow in the wild. This study aims to determine the invasion of A. catechu into the Palanro Forest, Experimental Forest  of Hasanuddin University. For this study, two transect lines was established  transversely and longitudinally (from North - South and East - West). The length of each transect from the center of the stand was determined by the existence of individual of A. catechu.  Each transect was divided into multiple plots with a size of 20 m x 20 m which is then divided into several sub-plots. Sub-plots were used to calculate the number of individuals and basal area of A. catechu at mature tree level (20 x 20 m) and poles (20 x 10 m). For saplings level (10 x 10 m) and seedlings (5 x 5m) were only counted the number of individuals alone. Other tree species (non A. catechu) with the largest LBD were grouped into dominant and codominant trees including A. catechu. Distribution A. catechu and non A. catechu were seen at the location of the LBD in each plot. The results showed that A. catechu in average had the fifth largest basal area (average 899.98 m²) of 79 other plant species (n = 33 plots). Distribution graph growth rate of A. catechu for seedlings at all observed plots have shown that seedlings of A. catechu was not always found in most plots and usually located not far from the mature trees of A. catechu. This has indicated that the rate of invasion of A. catechu over the years tended to be low in Natural Forest Palanro.

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